2011年8月26日 星期五

PLC | RS485 Mode: ASCII vs RTU

RS485 communication, there are two different formats to choose from.
In addition to different formats, you know that also affect those who do!?

ASCII format
Start code +7-8 bit data + parity + end code
data = ASCII code (0-127)

RTU format:
Start code +8 bit data + parity + end code
data = 16 hexadecimal code (0-9, a-f)

Points of difference:
1.ASCII can express the
words, RTU not.
2.RUT one can send two numbers, ASCII can only send one.
3. Check for errors in different ways.

In PLC communications with external devices, the
There will only be numbers, there will be no the text communication,
RTU can speed up the selected so the speed of the handshake.

